Thursday, July 14, 2011

Is it the government and people that make the world unbearable to live in?

Are the government and people making everything worse? Would mankind be better off if they only live on an island with only the people we love? Having the freedom to grow their own food without having to pay high food prices at Grocery stores that don't always have fresh food? The needs of humans are not being understood in the world today. We are barely scraping food and surviving. Employers do not understand that applicants need a job and money to survive off of. It seems like I am just not good enough for people in the world today. Companies are just taking advantage of the fact that people have to pay for gas to work and pay for food to eat. It's just so harsh out there now. Waking up everyday and still not able to find a job just makes me wonder what am I living for. Why am I alive? Just to suffer? Why do parents have to bring kids into this harsh world while they can just protect the unborn from problems? I would appreciate your answers and thank you.

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