Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I need to know more about Retina/Optic Nerve Coloboma.?

My daughter is three months old and yesterday was diagnosed with having Optic Nerve Coloboma. On her chart they have three things circuled- ambrlypia, coloboma-retina(no listing for optic nerve coloboma), and ptosis. She only has this in her left eye. When I looked at her eye today and tried to compare to images I have seen of Coloboma, I see nothing outside of a squity eye and her eye turns in especially when she is bored/tired. Granted, I'm not a professional and I can not see behind her eye. But her actual eyes look the same to me. Both have circular shaped black centers and a clear defined blue color around. Does the "key hole", "Cat eye", "morning glory" take time to develop? Is it possible that she was misdiagnosed if the doctor could not get a good look in her eyes. (it was really hard to allow the doctor to look at her eye.) I had two lazy eyes that were crossed as a baby and that is why I noticed so early. Her one eye was sleepy looking and turned to the center and my mother noticed right away. It has even gotten better since when the pediatrician asked us to see the specialist a few weeks ago. She is opening it more. Looking around more-maybe not alot or really at you, but better. We are starting the patch, she hates it and my husband says that a good sign. She has only done it twice and I try to keep her awake to get her to look at me and toys. No real progress but it has been two days. She does not look to have Coloboma. Can someone better educate me on it and maybe send me in the right direction of when to expect things to change if they ever will? Every case I have read about these two days has OBVIOUSE signs and my daughter just doesn't. No other abnormalities. No lag in her normal development. There are no signs to me!

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